Product Recall


This issue is strictly with our Tree Pro Protectors (the tubes that ship flat) Our Miracle Tube tree tubes have not been effected by this mechanical issue. We have seen the issue in Tree Pro Tree Protectors shipped from January 13, 2022 to October 10, 2022. We realize there could be issues outside of those date parameters. As of October 24, 2022 the problem has been resolved and we are shipping Tree Pro Protectors.

Over the last 2 months, we have received inquiries from our valued customers that Tree Pro Tree Protectors have failed in the field. Protectors are turning brittle within 4 months. We made adjustments that we thought remedies the problem, but newer tubes had the same outcome. After extensively looking over that extruder. We discovered an undetectable problem that had stumped three experts in the extrusion industry. We have halted Tree Pro Protector shipments.

 All affected Tree Pro protectors will be replaced.

 We have resolved this problem and resumed shipping.

 We apologize for this problem.

 Please report failures to or fill out the form below. Give us the quantity you need, contact information, an order or customer number (if possible). We will try to get these replaced as soon as possible.


Tom Mills


Tree Pro


Tree Pro Tree Survival Products